Sunday, August 24, 2014

Goodbye, Robin.

Been processing Robin Williams passing for some time now... I'm still stunned over it for what it's worth.

I grew up watching him on tv and in movies over the years from the time I was a little kid up through my adulthood. His presence was a big one and one that'll be felt for years.

When I first heard about it, I was stunned. I didn't know what to think at first. Then I started crying. It felt as if a large chunk of my childhood had died. Like others who've said this, there's just no other way of putting/saying it. He was a good and decent man, a very good actor and comedian. Someone whose presence was magical.

That kind of presence doesn't come around very often, if at all.

I'll remember him always for his movies, his tv roles and his decent and kind spirit.

RIP Robin. Thanks for the memories.

*A member of the "Lost kid" generation (aka: those who grew up watching you in Hook as Peter Pan -- to us you were Peter.) and the "Aladdin" generation (you were a Genie, and you're irreplaceable).*